Monday, June 10, 2024

Psalm 59:8

 Psalm 59:8

But thou, O LORD, shalt laugh at them; thou shalt have all the heathen in derision.

a. ASV: But thou, O Jehovah, wilt laugh at them; Thou wilt have all the nations in derision.  [Thomas Nelson & Sons first published the American Standard Version in 1901. This translation of the Bible is in the public domain.]

b. YLT: And Thou, O Jehovah dost laugh at them, Thou dost mock at all the nations.  [The Young's Literal Translation was translated by Robert Young, who believed in a strictly literal translation of God's word. This version of the Bible is in the public domain.]

c. Classic Amplified: But You, O Lord, will laugh at them [in scorn]; You will hold all the nations in derision. [Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation]

d. Tehillim/Psalms [Psalm 59:8 in our Bible is Psalm 59:9 in the Jewish translation]: But as for You, HASHEM _ You laugh at them, You mock all nations. [THE ARTSCROLL TANACH SERIES TEHILLIM / PSALMS PERSONAL SIZE EDITION VOL.1, VOL. II, VOL. III, VOL. IV, VOL. V. Ⓒ Copyright 1977, 1985, 1996 by MESORAH PUBLICATIONS, Ltd.]

e. ESV: But you, O LORD, laugh at them; you hold all the nations in derision. [Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001, 2007, 2011, 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.]

1. “But thou, O LORD, shalt laugh at them; thou shalt have all the heathen in derision.”

a. [But] thou [Strong: 859 ʼattâh, at-taw'; or (shortened); אַתָּ ʼattâ at-taw'; or אַת° ʼath, ath; feminine (irregular) sometimes אַתִּי ʼattîy, at-tee'; plural masculine אַתֶּם ʼattem, at-tem'; feminine אַתֶּן ʼatten, at-ten'; or אַתֵּנָה ʼattênâh, at-tay'-naw; or אַתֵּנָּה ʼattênnâh, at-tane'-naw; a primitive pronoun of the second person; thou and thee, or (plural) ye and you:—thee, thou, ye, you.]

b. [O] LORD [Strong: 3068 Yᵉhôvâh, yeh-ho-vaw'; from H1961; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jeho-vah, Jewish national name of God:—Jehovah, the Lord.

c. [shalt] laugh [at them] [Strong: 7832 sâchaq, saw-khak'; a primitive root; to laugh (in pleasure or detraction); by implication, to play:—deride, have in derision, laugh, make merry, mock(-er), play, rejoice, (laugh to) scorn, be in (make) sport.

d. [thou shalt have] all [Strong: 3605 kôl, kole; or (Jeremiah 33:8) כּוֹל kôwl; from H3634; properly, the whole; hence, all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense):—(in) all (manner, (ye)), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, (no-) thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso(-ever).]

e. [the] heathen [Strong: gôwy, go'-ee; rarely (shortened) גֹּי gôy; apparently from the same root as H1465 (in the sense of massing); a foreign nation; hence, a Gentile; also (figuratively) a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts:—Gentile, heathen, nation, people.]

f. [in] derision [Strong: 3982 lâʻag, law-ag'; a primitive root; to deride; by implication (as if imitating a foreigner) to speak unintelligibly:—have in derision, laugh (to scorn), mock (on), stammering.]

g. Four times in Scripture it mentions that God laughs. In all of those times God is laughing at the wicked: Psalm 2:4; 37:12, 13; 59:5-8; Proverbs 1:26. The most descriptive passage as to why God is laughing at the wicked is in Proverbs 1:24-33. Within these verses I will interject other verses that I believe will shed light on why God would laugh at an individual’s calamity.

1). Psalm 2:4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision.

2). Psalm 37:12, 13 The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.

37:13 The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.

3). Psalm 59:5-8 Thou therefore, O LORD God of hosts, the God of Israel, awake to visit all the heathen: be not merciful to any wicked transgressors. Selah.

59:6 They return at evening: they make a noise like a dog, and go round about the city.

59:7 Behold, they belch out with their mouth: swords are in their lips: for who, say they, doth hear?

59:8 But thou, O LORD, shalt laugh at them; thou shalt have all the heathen in derision.

4). Proverbs 1:24-30 [ESV] Because I have called and you refused to listen, have stretched out my hand and no one has heeded,

1:25 Because you have ignored all my counsel and would have none of my reproof,

1:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when terror strikes you,

1:27 When terror strikes you like a storm and your calamity comes like a whirlwind,     when distress and anguish come upon you.

1:28 Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently but will not find me.

1:29 Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord,

1:30 Would have none of my counsel and despised all my reproof,

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